Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What are the implications for the teaching of writing?

What are the implications for the teaching of writing?
With the invention of technology the meaning of writing has changed. Writing was defined basically as the activity or skill of marking coherent word or paper. But today writing is more than words put on paper because writing can take various forms such as typing and blogging. This indicates as teachers we must use a range of writing techniques to cater to the interest of students in a rapidly changing world.
Teachers must also understand that you cannot teach students to write only for them to produce specific genres of writing. Students must understand the purpose for writing and what strategies must be used to communicate effectively to audience example language use and tone. Students must also be given opportunities to practice the writing process. Whatever activities chosen should reflect the interest of students.
The teacher must also take into consideration the literacy abilities of her students bearing in mind that there is a connection between reading and writing. It is important that students be given opportunities to write. If students practice writing they will become better writers. Also, the teacher should also find out students opinions on what topics they enjoy writing about and what they dislike. This will make writing more student centered.

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